Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wholemeal Bun

Ingredients :


  • 250g wholemeal flour

  • 1 tsp instant yeast

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • 150 -180 ml milk / water


  • 20g butter or margarine

Method :

  1. Mix A till well-combined.

  2. Slowly pour in B and mix into a soft dough

  3. Add C and knead till smooth and can stretch well.

  4. Put dough into a deep bowl, cover with clean cloth and leave to prove till double in bulk.

  5. Turn onto a floured board and knead well, rest for 15 mins.

  6. Divide dough into 8 equal portions and form into a round shape. Place onto a greased baking sheet, leave to prove till double in bulk again and spray a little water on top.

  7. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200c for about 12-15 mins till golden brown.

  8. While still hot, brush quickly with a little melted butter on top.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


食谱 : 孟老师的中式麺食 (pg 138)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Banana Jack & Jill Muffin

食谱参考 : 我的厨房乐园

牛油 (软化) 90 克
细白糖 75 克
低筋面粉 110 克
泡打粉 半小匙
苏打粉 半小匙
鸡蛋 2 粒
鲜奶 2 大匙
中等 size香蕉 3 条 (压成泥) - 我用 Belangan
香蕉Oreo 饼干 8 片 (压成粉状,去除夹馅的 cream。单片算的话是 16 片)
香草香精 半小匙

装饰:去除夹馅的Oreo 饼干

5。加入(1) 的粉类,用 spatula 把过筛后的面粉切拌均匀
6。加入 Oreo 饼干碎
7。把面糊倒入纸杯内 3/4 满,再放上一片 Oreo 饼干作为装饰
8。放入预热后的烤箱,160 度烤约 20-23 分钟即可

Sunday, June 12, 2011

紫番薯龟粿 Sweet Potato Angku Kuih

食谱参考 : QiQi in the house


番薯泥 200g

糖 3tbsp

热水 150g

糯米粉 350g


冷开水 100g

食油 4tbsp

做法 :

1. 將A料搅拌均勻, 盖着約10分钟。

2. 加入冷开水, 然后慢慢加入油搓成团。

3. 包入馅料, 蒸6分钟。

Saturday, June 11, 2011

金瓜龟糕 Pumpkin Angku Kuih

食譜参考 : QiQi in the house 皮料 :

A) 南瓜泥 70g

细糖 1 tbsp
热水 35g
糯米粉 120g

(B)食油 1tbsp
冷开水 10g

QiQi 说 : 冷开水的份量, 应视金瓜蒸熟后含水量。
如果蒸好的金瓜水份多的话, 揉的时候可以不放。
反之, 如果水份不夠,就倒一些进去。搓揉成不黏手的软面团即可。

皮料做法 :

1. 金瓜肉用大火蒸熟, 趁热压烂成泥, 备用。
2.把(A)料拌勻, 盖着约10分钟。
5.放入己抹粉的龟模里, 轻轻压平,扣出,放在抹油的香蕉叶。
6.蒸約6分钟, 取出。马上抹上少許食油。


緑豆片 70g
水 少许
炸葱油 1/2 tsp
盐 1/4 tsp
細糖 20g
炸葱酥 1/2tsp
胡椒粉 1/4tsp

做法 :
1. 绿豆片用清水浸泡至少4小时或隔夜。
2. 加少許水, 以大火蒸20分钟至熟透。
3. 离火, 趁热压成泥状。然后加入其余馅料拌勻。
4. 待凉搓成小圆球(约16g/pcs) 备用。

甜绿豆馅 :
绿豆片 80g
細糖 50g
水 少許

1. 绿豆片加水蒸熟, 趁热与细糖一起压烂拌勻即可。

** 其实我也滿喜欢平淡的生活的食谱 :-

皮料 :

糯米粉 250g
南瓜泥 100g
砂糖 1tbsp
食油 1tbsp
溫水 150 - 180 ml
香蕉叶 适量

做法 :

1. 將所有食材拌均,慢慢加入溫水拌成光滑粉团。


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cinnamon Rolls 桂皮甜卷

Recipe adopted from Agnes Chang ~ Baking Made Easy

Ingredients A :

  • 300g HP flour

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 50g castor sugar

  • 1 tsp instant yeast

  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten

  • 60 - 75 ml milk

  • 60g soft butter

Filling :

  • 60g solf butter

  • 50g soft brown sugar, mixed with

  • 2 tsp cinnamon powder and

  • 50g ground almond


  1. In a mixing bowl, mix A, add eggs, milk and knead to form a soft and pliable dough. Add butter and continue to knead till smooth and elastic. Cover and prove till double in bulk.

  2. Knead again till smooth. Rest for 15 mins.

  3. Roll into a 36cm/14" square, spread soft butter on the dough, leaving 2cm border all around empty. Sprinkle cinnamon mixture on top of the buttered area and roll up like a swiss roll.

  4. Cut the roll into 4cm thick and put them close together (cut side up, 9 pieces in 3 rows) on greased 20cm/8"square tin.

  5. Cover and prove till double in bulk (about 30 mins)

  6. Bake at 190C till golden brown, about 15-20 mins.