Sunday, February 26, 2012

巧克力蔓越莓蛋糕(Chocolate Cranberry Cupcakes)

Recipe adapted from Jane's Corner

(D)175克面粉, 1/2茶匙发粉,1/2茶匙苏打粉 做法:

1. 把(A)浸透约1小时。
2. 过筛可可粉,再倒入热水中拌匀至无颗粒状,备用。
3. 把牛油和糖搅拌至乳白状,慢慢把(2)加入。
4. 加入蛋,每次一个,搅拌均匀后加入另一个。最后加入鲜奶油,拌匀。
5. 加入(D),用木勺轻轻拌匀。最后加入蔓越莓,拌至混合一体即可,无须过渡搅拌。
6. 把面糊舀入满分杯,3/4满。
7. 预热烤箱170度,烘烤25分钟或至完全熟透即可。
8. 放在铁架上放凉。
9. 涂上巧克力酱,或以个人喜好作装饰。


* 80g dried cranberries, 3 tbsp Rum
* 45g cocoa powder, 90g hot water, 1 tsp vanilla extract
* 75g butter, softened, 150g icing sugar, 3 large eggs, 75g whipping cream
* 175g plain flour, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda

Ganache Cream:
125g Semi-sweet chocolate, cut into small pieces, 100g Whipping cream, 20g Butter - cut to small pieces, 1/2 tsp Vanilla extrac, 1/2 tbsp Rum (optional)

1) Soak dried cranberry with 3 tbsp of rum for one hour.
2) Sieved cocoa powder and add into hot water, mix well and set aside.
3) Beat butter and icing sugar together till pale. Add in cocoa mixture and vanilla extract, mix well. Add in eggs one at a time until incorporated and slowly add whipping cream into it, mix well.
4) Use a wooden spatula mixed in sieved flour, baking powder and baking soda. At last mix in dried cranberries, mix well.
5) Spoon batter into muffin cups to 3/4 full.
6) Bake at preheated oven 170C for 25 mins or skewer inserted into centre of the cake comes out clean.
7) Leave cake to cool on wire rack and spread some ganache cream on top of cake.

Method for Ganache Cream:
Boil whipping cream and pour cream into chocolate pieces and butter, stir until smooth.
add vanilla extract and rum, stir well.


简易豆腐花來自QiQi in the house



1/2茶匙 燕菜粉

600cc 无糖室温豆漿(分成2份)


1) 一半(300ml)的室温豆浆水慢慢加热。

2) 把1/2茶匙的燕菜粉加到剩余的(300ml)豆浆水中慢慢搅拌,然後倒入炉上的锅中。

3) 一边煮一边搅拌,豆浆一滾就熄火;过滤及尽量把表层的泡沫去掉。

4) 冷却后,放进冰箱冷藏至少4小時或隔夜。配搭黄糖水、白糖水或任何自己喜爱的糖水食用。



  • 糖鑽巧克力餅乾 (pg 58)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Biscotti ****

Recipe adapted from Ms Agnes Chang ~ I Can Bake

Ingredients :

  • 3 egg white

  • 100g castor sugar

  • 120g plain flour

  • 120g whole unblanched almonds

Method :

  1. Whisk egg white until light and fluffy. Slowly add in sugar and continue to whisk until stiff.

  2. Fold flour and almonds lightly into the mixture.

  3. Prepare a 20cm x 10cm loaf tin, line it with baking paper and pour in the mixture. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180c for 30-35 mins till cooked and lightly brown. Remore and leaveto cool. Cover the loaf and chill it in the fridge for 1-2 days.

  4. Use a very sharp knife and cut it into thin slices. Arrange onto a baking tray lined with greased proof paper and bake in an oven at 130c for about 45 mins to 1 hour, till very dry and crisp.

  5. Leave to cool before storing.